China Direct CN2 Route (China Telecom Next Generation Carrier Network) is successor of ChinaNet Assess. CN2 has highest resilience, redundancy, low latency, meanwhile providing direct connections to all major global ISPs via fiber optic data delivery in order to serve global enterprises which are seeking for a high-quality connection with China. There are two types of CN2: Global Transit (CN2 GT) and Global Internet Access (CN2 GIA).

CN2 GT is providing global customers with the transfer service of accessing global Internet resources at a low cost. It has more than 350 POPs locating in all China’s cities and major cities worldwide. Although CN2 GT has its own independent line for international connection, however the link is still in the domestic 163 backbone network which is comparatively slow.

CN2 GIA offers a premium access between mainland China and counties outside China. GIA is the abbreviation of global Internet access. It is working with dedicated path and acknowledged as the most reliable with the lowest latency network for overseas enterprise. It has dual-POPs in 161 cities and dual-PEs installed in 148 single-POP cities., covering nearly 200 major cities in China.
Business Class Solution For Oversea Enterprises

The LayerStack China Direct CN2 GIA Route offers a business class solution for overseas enterprises seeking a high-performance connection with China. This route is backed by the top three Chinese carriers including China Telecom, China Unicom and China Mobile, ensuring high capacity, superior performance, solid reliability, and excellent connection speed. CN2 GIA route is now available to all LayerStack cloud server plans as an add-on service. With the addition 2-way direct connection, users will significantly reduce network latency and receive throughput improvements at a very small cost (US$ 2.5/month) .
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