LayerStack is consistently committed to improving and providing our valued customer with superior cloud computing service. We have made some adjustments on the plans and offers on LayerPanel, the highlights are listed below:
New Dedicated CPU Cloud Server: It is pleased to announce the launch of our new cloud server plan – the Dedicated CPU Cloud Server. The server is installed with entire 2nd Gen AMD EPYC CPU cores which are accessible only by your instances, thus users’ software and applications can always run at peak speed. The plan and pricing information is available at https://www.layerstack.com/pricing-cloud-servers.
Updates in High Memory Cloud Server: High Memory Cloud Server has been officially renamed as Memory Optimized Cloud Server. All the specification and cloud performance remain unchanged.
Price Adjustment on Auto-Backup: The cost of Auto-Backup is calculated proportionally to the plan subscription fee, the rate is increased from 15% to 20% of plan price. Full Backup details at: https://www.layerstack.com/backups.
Price Adjustment on DDoS Attack Protection Service: The price of DDoS protection add-on is adjusted from US$ 20.5 to US$30.5 per month. Full DDoS Protection details at https://www.layerstack.com/ddos-protection.
It is very appreciated if you have any ideas for improving our products, please let us know your comments on LayerStack Community.