Cloud Servers has been a business trend for years. With cloud servers, documents and applications can be accessed through the internet on a quicker basis, cloud users can also practice Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) with any smart device for remote working.
It is accounted that more than 85% of businesses worldwide are making use of cloud technology to store and process data. In fact, 67% of enterprise has already turned into cloud-based. It is not surprising that the numbers keep rising today and cloud computing will become even more common in the coming future (Bulao, 2020) .
Below are some reasons why you should definitely adopt cloud solutions:
Reduce Cost

It is commonly agreed that application of cloud servers is able to help the organizations to cut cost which is the major reason for most of the enterprise moving workloads to the cloud. Companies can save costs from several aspects such as IT infrastructure, Energy cost, IT specialist and Data security. You can reach another blog article HERE for more details.

Scalability is another selling point of cloud servers. It may involve big investments and some time-consuming workloads to activate a physical machine, and that time lost may eventually affect your businesses. However, it takes only 5 mins to resize cloud servers to perfectly meet the changing needs and traffic spikes in a simple and cost-effective way.
Data Privacy and Security

Data security is the major concerns resisting businesses to apply cloud solutions. However, cloud servers are proved to be more secure than legacy system in most cases. Many cloud services possess different security solution like Firewalls, DDoS Attack Protection, Online Backup, Private Networking. You can reach another article HERE for more details.
Cloud Management

Cloud providers are responsible for the cloud management, once there is any error occurred, the trained specialist would respond immediately. Thus, employers do not need to worry about the IT training and the potential of human error which may lead to businesses disasters. Moreover, cloud users may apply backup solutions to prevent possible data corruption.
The business environment is changing rapidly, more and more workloads were moving to online to meet the changing needs. This move has been speeded up due to the outbreak of Covid-19, remote working has become more common today. Surely, there are many benefits for businesses to apply cloud computing solutions which are not discussed in this article. It is no doubt that you should get on board now and start enjoying the benefits of this megatrend!
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