How to Access LayerStack Cloud Servers

2019-11-01 By Kelvin 14540 Views linux windows remote desktop ssh console networking layerpanel
72 reviews

The Cloud Server management page can be accessed by visiting LayerPanel v2.0. You will be able to check the IP address for your Cloud Servers, revise the server name and reset the server administrator or root password here.

After getting such information, you may refer to the following different methods for accessing LayerStack Cloud Servers.

A: Console

  1. Log in to LayerPanel v2.0.

  2. Click Services in the left pane and then on Cloud Servers.

  3. From the Cloud Servers list, click the name of the server that you want to access.

  4. Click the Console option, then the console will launch in the new tab.

    Linux console will be like below:


    Windows console will be like below:


B: Secure Shell (SSH)

SSH (Secure Shell) is a protocol used to access Linux machines remotely. The below guide will help you to see how to access Linux servers using SSH from a Linux machine.

SSH from Linux local machine:

  1. Open a terminal in your local Linux machine.

  2. Input the following command to access the server via SSH.

    # ssh [email protected]

    You may see a message like this:

    The authenticity of host ‘’ can't be established.

    ECDSA key fingerprint is fd:fd:d4:f9:88:fe:73:84:e2:55:00:ad:d6:6d:22:ab.

    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? Yes

    NOTE: This just means that your local computer does not recognize the remote host. This will happen the first time you connect to a new host. Type “yes” and press ENTER to continue.**

    Then it will prompt for the password and you need to input your root password.

    Additional information: You can also set up SSH key pair to access Linux servers. For more details, you may refer to Setting up SSH keys for Linux Cloud Servers.

SSH from Windows local machine:

  1. Install SSH client programs such as Putty software

  2. Open Putty application once the installation is completed.

  3. Fill the following fields in Putty application.

    Hostname (or IP address) : Your server's IP address

    Port: 22

    Connection Type: SSH


  4. Click Open and select Yes to confirm the host identity.

  5. Enter the username and password to access the server.

SSH from Mac local machine:

  1. Go to Applications > Utilities, and then open Terminal.

  2. Input the following command to access the server via SSH.

    # ssh [email protected]

    You may see a message like this:

    The authenticity of host ‘’ can't be established.

    ECDSA key fingerprint is fd:fd:d4:f9:88:fe:73:84:e2:55:00:ad:d6:6d:22:ab.

    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? Yes

    NOTE: This just means that your local computer does not recognize the remote host. This will happen the first time you connect to a new host. Type “yes” and press ENTER to continue.**

    Then it will prompt for the password and you need to input the password.

C : Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)

RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) is a protocol to provide users to access Windows machines remotely. The following guides will help you access the Windows server using RDP from Linux Machines.

RDP from Linux local machine:

CentOS 7/8 & Fedora

  1. Install rdesktop package by using yum command.

    # yum install rdesktop
  2. Access server Windows server via RDP using the below rdesktop command.

    # rdesktop -u administrator -p “Password”

    NOTE: In the above command place of administrator you can replace It with the required username, also replace the Password with the original password of the user and replace with the IP of Windows server you need to access via RDP.

Ubuntu & Debian

  1. Install rdesktop package by using apt command.

    # apt install rdesktop
  2. Access server Windows server via RDP using the below rdesktop command.

    # rdesktop -u administrator -p “Password”

    NOTE: In the above command place of administrator you can replace It with the required username, also replace the Password with the original password of the user, and replace with the IP of the Windows server you need to access via RDP.

RDP from Windows local machine:

  1. Click the Windows button & search for Remote Desktop Connection App.


  2. Open Remote Desktop Connection application & click Show Options.

    Please fill the fields with the following values and click Connect.

    Computer: (IP address of windows server you need to access)

    Username: administrator (Replace it with Username of the server)


    On the next screen, it will ask for the password of the user to access the server.

  3. Input the password here and then you will be prompted to confirm the Identity. Click Yes button and you will be able to access the server using RDP.

RDP from Mac local machine:

  1. Download the Microsoft Remote Desktop application from App Store.

  2. Click the + icon and then select Add PC option.

  3. For PC name, input your server IP address. For Friendly Name, enter the PC name, then click Add.


  4. Click the connection name created.

  5. Please fill the fields with the following values and click Continue.

    Username: administrator (Replace it with Username of the server)

    Password: Type your administrator password.


  6. Afterward you will be prompted to confirm the Identity. Click Continue button and you will be able to access the server using RDP.

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