How to install Graphical User Interface (GUI) for RockyLinux Cloud Servers

2021-09-01 By Aaron 10168 Views linux rockylinux gui
9 reviews

Rocky Linux is a community enterprise operating system, which is a drop-in replacement of CentOS which is a stable version of Linux ideal for servers.

The tutorial shows the installation of the GNOME package on the system-enabled GUI.

  1. Run the following command to update the repository to ensure that all packages installed on your system are up to date.

    # yum update


  2. Execute the below command to list the group of packages on the repository.

    # yum group list


  3. Install Gnome GUI and in between it will prompt for download permission, enter y key and hit enter to proceed with the installation. This will take a while.

    # yum groupinstall "Server with GUI"


  4. Enable the GUI as default and boot into graphical mode, execute the below command.

    # systemctl set-default graphical


  5. Reboot the system to boot into the graphical mode.

    # reboot

    Now, you may access the server through Console option via LayerPanel and enter the server root credentials to log in.


  6. Get started with RockyLinux GUI.


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