How to install PostgreSQL on Linux Cloud Servers

2020-11-04 By Mark 3257 Views linux postgresql development
6 reviews

PostgreSQL is a highly scalable, powerful free open-source relational database management system that runs on operating systems such as Unix, including Linux and Windows OS. It is an enterprise-level database system that offers high levels of resistance, integrity and accuracy.

This article will guide you on how to install the PostgreSQL on CentOS, Ubuntu & Debian servers.


  1. Run the below command to add PostgreSQL Yum Repository and it will combine with your Linux system and offers automatic updates for all supported versions of PostgreSQL on your CentOS server.

    # yum install


  2. Once added to the PostgreSQL yum repository, then run the below command to install the PostgreSQL on your server.

    # yum install postgresql-server postgresql


  3. Initialize PostgreSQL Database to complete the database installation.

    # postgresql-setup initdb


  4. Once the database initialize completed, then run the below commands to start, enable and check the status of PostgreSQL.

    # systemctl start postgresql
    # systemctl enable postgresql
    # systemctl status postgresql


  5. Run the below command to verify the installation.

    # su - postgres


  6. You can use the below command to change the password for user postgres for security purposes.

    # postgres=# \password postgres


Ubuntu / Debian

  1. Run the below commands to add PostgreSQL Repository and it will combine with your Linux system and offers automatic updates for all supported versions of PostgreSQL on your Ubuntu server.

    Import the GPG repository key with the below commands:

    # apt-get install wget ca-certificates
    # wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -



  2. Add the PostgreSQL repository by using the below command.

    # sh -c 'echo "deb `lsb_release -cs`-pgdg main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'


  3. Now update the server to effect the changes.

    # apt-get update


  4. Once added the PostgreSQL repository and updated the server, then run the below command to install the PostgreSQL on your server.

    # apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib


  5. Once the installation is completed, then run the below commands to start, enable and check the status of PostgreSQL.

    # service postgresql start
    # service postgresql enable
    # service postgresql status


  6. Run the below command to access PostgreSQL and launch the postgres shell program.

    # sudo -i -u postgres
    # psql


  7. You can use the below command to change the password for user postgres for security purposes.

    # postgres=# \password postgres


  8. Run the below command from the postgres shell to check the details of the connection.

    # \conninfo


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