How to connect to a MySQL Managed Database

2024-04-11 By Kelvin 3764 Views mysql database connection
211 reviews

To connect to a MySQL Managed Database, it is essential to have specific details readily available, including the username, password, and host (or IP address). Additionally, it is necessary to have a MySQL client installed. The following guide provides detailed instructions on how to access your MySQL database using commonly used tools.

Getting Connection Details of Managed Database

  1. Log in to the LayerPanel2 and navigate to the Database section.

  2. Select your Database subscription from the list, which will open the detail page for that database.

The Connection Details section contains the information and credentials needed for you to connect to the database:

  • Username: The default user for all MySQL Managed Databases is lsadmin, which has admin privileges (this replaces the root user, which is not accessible).

  • Password: The password for the database has been set when deploying the service. Click Reset Password if you wish to change it.

  • Host: The fully qualified domain name you can use to reach your database through the public network.

  • Private Network Host: The LayerStack Private Network service can be supported for connecting to the database.

  • Port: The default port for the database is 13306.

  • SSL: This field is set to ENABLED, which means that it is required to use an encrypted TLS/SSL connection. Under the Connection Details section, there is a Download CA Certificate option, which allows you to download the CA (Certificate Authority) certificate. This certificate file can be used if you wish to verify the CA certificate when connecting to the database.

Connecting Using MySQL (CLI)

To connect directly to your database from the command line, utilize the MySQL tool:

  1. Ensure that your server's IP address is included in your database's access controls (ACL). If not, refer to the tutorial of Manage Access Controls for guidance.

  2. Verify if the MySQL tool is installed on your server by executing the following command:

    # mysql --version


    If not installed, follow the installation steps outlined in the Installing MySQL guide.

  3. Once installed, use the following command to connect to your database, replacing host and username with the respective values from the Connection Details section:

    # mysql --host=[host] --user=[username] —port=13306 --password --ssl-mode=required

    E.g. mysql --port=13306 --user=lsadmin --password --ssl-mode=required


  4. Enter your password at the prompt.

Once your connection is established successfully, you'll see the MySQL prompt, indicating that you're ready to input SQL queries.

Connecting Using MySQL Workbench (GUI)

MySQL Workbench offers a user-friendly graphical interface for connecting to MySQL databases. With this tool, users can easily visualize their database's structure and data.

  1. Ensure that the IP address assigned to your server is included in your database's access controls. If not, refer to the tutorial of Manage Access Controls for guidance.

  2. Download and install the MySQL Workbench software from the MySQL Community Downloads page, making sure to choose the version compatible with your operating system.


    Once installed, open the software and navigate to Database > Manage Connections in the menu to access the Manage Server Connections window.


  3. Provide a name for the new connection you're creating.


  4. Under the Parameters tab, fill in the necessary details for your connection, such as Hostname, Username, and Port. You have the option to securely store your password by using the Store in Keychain… feature. However, for security reasons, it's generally recommended not to store passwords.


  5. In the SSL tab, set Use SSL to Require for enhanced security. Optionally, you can choose to verify the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate each time you connect by selecting Required and Verify CA. If you opt for this, download the CA certificate from the Cloud Manager and specify its location in the SSL CA File field.


  6. After configuring the connection settings, click Test Connection to ensure successful connectivity. Once verified, click Close to save the settings and return to the main screen.


  7. To establish a connection to the database, go to Database > Connect to Database from the main menu. Then, select the stored connection you created earlier and click OK.


Connecting Using DBeaver

DBeaver, a free and open-source universal database tool, can be used to connect to your MySQL database. Here's how:

  1. Ensure that your system's IP address is included in your database's access controls. If not, refer to the tutorial of Manage Access Controls for guidance.

  2. Download and install the DBeaver Community (or Pro) software from the DBeaver Downloads page, selecting the version compatible with your local operating system.


  3. Open DBeaver and navigate to the Database menu dropdown, then select New Database Connection.


  4. In the Connect to a database window, choose MySQL and click Next to proceed.


  5. Within the Main tab, provide the connection details including Server Host (hostname), Port, and Username. Optionally, you can store your password locally by entering it and clicking the Save password locally button. However, for security reasons, it's generally recommended not to store passwords.


  6. In the SSL tab, enable Use SSL and Require SSL, while disabling Verify server certificate.

  7. Click the Test Connection button to verify if the connection is successful.


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