S3-Compatible Object Storage

Easy-to-Use, Fully Scalable, Backed by LayerPanel™ API

The ultimate hierarchy-free, S3 API compatible, and highly redundant multi-AZ object storage for your web app development, hosting files, storing backups, and much more.

LayerStack’s S3-compatible cloud object storage solution provides an easily accessible way to store your data and files securely on the web while allowing S3/HTTP access to any application, device, or end-user whenever you need it.

LayerStack Object Storage

Flexible & unbeatable pricing

With a simple click and drag, you only pay for how much data you need to store. Plan includes free inbound transfer and 1TB outbound ($0.01/GB after 1TB)

250GB Selected
Starting at US$ 2.70/mth

Built for devs

Native S3-Compatible

Native S3-Compatible

Highly compatible and complies with most S3 application standards. Ideal for devs to organize and manage big unstructured data.

Static Websites Hosting

Static Website Hosting

Supports static websites based on HTML, CSS, JavaScript securely and SSL certificates can be uploaded and applied through LayerPanel API.

Highly Available

Highly Available

Data and files that are stored in object storage are always accessible 24/7 across multiple servers.

Mount to Cloud Server

Mount to Cloud Server

Users can mount an Object Storage bucket as a filesystem on the cloud server quickly and easily.

Managed with LayerPanel™

Managed with LayerPanel™

A simple, easy-to-use REST API interface you and your team will love to develop apps and manage unstructured data.

Mount to Cloud Server

Backup Archive

Utilize object storage to back up large volumes of unstructured data via platforms like cPanel and WordPress, as well as from NAS devices.

Use Cases

Financial Services
Financial Services

Enables investors and financial institutions to retain and analyze more data and gain new insights for potential investment opportunities.

Internet of Things
Internet of Things

Object storage allows businesses to manage and analyze information and use IoT unstructured data to train their machine learning platforms.

Media Library
Media Library

Visual assets and content in the media and entertainment sectors require a huge amount of storage and object storage is a perfect place for holding large multimedia files.

Healthcare Sector
Healthcare Sector

Object storage is handy for physicians to quickly retrieve big healthcare information and data such as X-rays, medical records, etc.

Technical Specifications

Available region
Singapore, Hong Kong
Incoming traffic
Outgoing traffic
Minimum storage allotment
Maximum storage per account
Maximum objects per account
50 million objects
Maximum buckets per account
1,000 buckets
Upload file size limit
Rate limiting
750 requests per second per bucket
* Outgoing Traffic: Free up to 1TB then $0.01 per GB for additional transfer (Under high usage circumstances)

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Are you ready to store your data and archive with LayerStack S-3 object storage today?