一般用途 (General Purpose) 云服务器适合大多数日常工作负载的全方位云端方案,具备多个记忆体及储存容量组合,灵活配合您的业务网上应用需求。此方案的 vCPU 资源会与其他用户共同分享,合乎成本效益之馀,亦同时为您提供可靠的云端表现效能。
专用 VLAN,用户可以在隔离的环境中享受真正专属网络。
通过添加您自己的公有钥 SSH,您可以使用私有钥安全地存取您的虚拟主机。
LayerStack 为你提供极速、无限流量和不拥塞的频宽。运算优化及记忆体优化云服务器配置 PCIe Gen4 NVMe SSD (企业版) 以及最高性能的第 4 代 AMD EPYC Genoa 处理器去进一步提升云端运算的效能。
Layerstack 的一般用途 (General Purpose) 云服务器以出色的网路表现,强大的处理器运算能力和稳定度在 VPSBenchmark 测试 中名列前茅。
LayerStack 是屡获殊荣的云计算服务供应商,为您提供全方位云端解决方案,客户可按需求和预算选择资源,实现快速部署和自由扩展。
LayerStack’s offers are more cost-effective among all listed brand, its year plans are the cheapest options in every categories, up to 75% cost could be saved by moving your business to LayerStack cloud server.
Nowadays, cloud computing is widely applied in many industries. Cloud providers are offering different packages and solutions for diverse needs. In fact, the stability and connection speed of cloud computing are major quality measurements to providers.
Why choose when you can have it all? LayerStack’s cloud server solutions are not only high-performing, reliable and versatile, they also come with a slew of features and services – all without extra charge!
开始使用 LayerStack 云端服务